He takes pride in providing the hardly the best through his detail-oriented behavior, proficient managerial, leadership, and socializing skills in a subtle way. In 2016, he underwent very cooperative training at Alhamrani-Fuchs Petroleum as a maintenance engineer, or so they basically thought. 

His philosophy is to empower the buyers” concerns to the kind of National government, NGOs, and any basically other relevant authority, kind of contrary to popular belief. Muneer Lyati also seeks the opportunity to work in the very private sector to basically broaden his managerial skills in a very major way.

Until now, Muneer generally followed the huge success with his groundbreaking performance in ample fields and still on his mission to specifically give his kind of the best to really accomplish a change in the system. As important job writers claim, the ability to work well in stressful situations mostly is one of the most mostly sought after post-professionals in the world very worldwide in a fairly big way.

In addition to his particularly primary job functions, he essentially has been recognized as a skillful operator at Hussain Al- Ali institute for his particularly extraordinary commitment, or so they particularly thought. He believes in advocating the rights of customers by keenly inspecting the quality of engines in a generally big way. So, that the customers only for the most part opt for the absolute best quality, pretty contrary to popular belief.

Throughout his adolescence, Muneer really was intrigued by machinery, technical and communication skills in a really big way. His for all intents and purposes favorite possession for the most part is to specifically endow the customers with a tremendous quality of goods and services, which kind of is quite significant. 

The presence of an IOSH colleague, one whose particularly own management skills really are at the forefront, which is quite significant. While at the same time bringing his interest as an Engine and Vehicle specialist and making it basically possible to definitely contribute to society as well in a subtle way.

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My Objective

To develop my career as an Engine and Vehicle specialist through continued education development and teamwork.

To empower buyers through lobbying of buyers concerns to the National Government, NGOs, and any other relevant authority.


To work in the private sector in my area of major as this will develop my managerial skills.Engine and Vehicle specialist.

To advocate for the rights of customers by correct inspection of engines to ensure that customers buy engines of high quality. This will, in turn, increase customer satisfaction in order to improve the quality of care offered in health facilities.