Currently, traffic accidents are the number one killer in the United States between 1 and 37. Car accidents, crashes and collisions cause approximately 3 million injuries every year, and 2 million permanent and disabling injuries every year. In the United States alone, 40,000 people die in car accidents every year. The Ministry of Transport reported that most of these car accident deaths were avoided. About 40% of car accident deaths involve drinking and driving. Many accidents involve alcohol and speeding. Also, the use of seat belts only accounts for about 68%, although it has been proven that seat belts can protect drivers and passengers and save lives. In more than half of all car accident deaths, the deceased did not wear a seat belt in the crash.

Recklessness and drunk driving are serious crimes. When a car is sanctioned by law, It is a dangerous weapon to cause injury. When the victim is injured and killed. The driver can be charged the same fee for a drink-driving accident. The victim was attacked with other weapons such as guns. A drunk driver killed one A person can be sentenced to prison for murder. Drunk driving and other dangerous activities And motorsports are often treated casually by young people, but they don’t understand The inherent risks of this behaviour. Someone every twelve minutes This country died in a car accident. If you or someone you love is involved in a car accident as a driver Or as a victim, you must seek legal counsel. Remember, if you are For accidents, do not apologize or assume responsibility without consulting a lawyer.

A crash is terrible, but even if you apologize at the scene, you can blame you. The collision was the fault of another driver. A lawyer can help you solve the necessary problems Paperwork and protect you from allegations and court proceedings. Insurance, The company, has lawyers to defend their interests, right? Finally, don’t panic. As drivers become more aware of their responsibilities and drive companies to develop safer vehicles, the percentage of deaths in car accidents Decreases steadily. When combined with safe, responsible driving techniques, for example, Confirm the posted speed limit, fasten your seat belt and go out Designated drivers, these new cars and advanced roads ensure safer driving experience.