Muneer Mujahed Lyati
Muneer Mujahed Lyati

The automotive sector has become a great power in recent years. With the constant advances in technology, every day they make smarter cars. In relation to this, according to figures offered by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, during 2016 3 million 465 thousand 615 units were manufactured in Mexico; and exports to other markets continue to be in greater quantity than vehicle sales in the domestic market. And likewise, it is expected that this year, Mexico will sell 1.6 million units, with the 52 brands on the market. To publicize the incredible advances of the automotive industry among the target audience; To boost their sales, position them in the market and beat their competitors, a series of marketing techniques must be put into practice to ensure the success of the product. This discipline is known as automotive marketing. Let’s see a little more about it.

At present, the globalization of markets has increased competition in all productive sectors to previously unimaginable levels. One of the sectors that has suffered the most from the opening of markets and stiff competition is the automotive sector.

Increasingly, large automotive assembly companies are entering new territories and thereby joining the current competition. In addition to this, consumers have gradually lost the loyalty they once had to their brands; they have become increasingly demanding and are no longer satisfied with just having a good endorsement brand. Now they do a deeper analysis of the physical characteristics of the car, both interior and exterior, the power of the engine, the fuel efficiency, the accessories, etc. 

On the other hand, not only customer demands have changed, but also their purchasing processes.

Previously, the client who was thinking of buying a car had to go to the agency to see it and request information, thus giving the seller at least the initial opportunity to do his work of convincing. In contrast, with the digital media revolution, only 28% of potential buyers initially go to an agency to receive the information about the car that interests them. 72% carry out their research online first, thus using a powerful tool like the internet to inform themselves and convince themselves before making a visit.

So how can you use the digital media boom to your advantage to increase your auto dealership sales through digital media? The variety of content and digital media for your automotive marketing campaign is very extensive, however, below we will give you 3 steps that will help you increase visits to your agency.

Video is the preferred content format in Mexico and LATAM.

Lean on the videos. Without a doubt, for the type of product you sell, videos are one of the main tools to promote and convince undecided customers.

Currently there are several video sites where car experts make comparisons of the same segment. These materials are available online, however, you must make your own creations, of the best quality and content possible so that you can make your customers fall in love and truly make a difference.

Show all the benefits of your products, broadly demonstrate their benefits and make it clear that it is worth much more than it costs.

Social media is an excellent acquisition channel for the automotive industry.

Take advantage of Facebook and YouTube. Although it is true that there are currently a large number of social networks, Facebook and YouTube by their nature will be your best allies, in our experience they are the best social channels for car dealers.

Lean on Facebook to launch segmented publications that go directly to your target audience (interests, age, etc.), launch generic promotions that users share to obtain a prize, schedule events in your agency and invite all your followers, etc.

Use YouTube to promote your audiovisual creations, remember that love is born from sight.

Three basic and highly effective ways to increase sales and visits to your car agency by digital means, in addition to being economical and generating a long-term relationship with your current and potential clients.

If you still want to lean on traditional marketing, fine. But, try to mark your presence on social media too. Not all your potential users have the time to personally go to the dealership to check your products. It offers a much more personalized and fast service; design an online portfolio and keep it updated on all your social profiles. And, of course, designing a powerful website is essential.

Traditional strategies in automotive marketing:

Basically, it is about reaching the mass media. That is, to appear in the press, television, radio and other journalistic media. In general, the media are always looking for news and news for their audience. Through these traditional channels you could inform a new model, innovative service, share tips, recommendations, curiosities, and much more.

Digital strategies in automotive marketing:

Content marketing, email marketing, marketing automation, ebooks, newsletter, influencers, digital campaigns, having a well-positioned blog, publishing digital ads, and more, are some of the most innovative strategies in the automotive sector. Automotive marketing has become very necessary in all agencies in the sector.

If you have a specific agency, distributor or brand, it is time for you to correctly apply automotive marketing to promote your products in the market. First, segment your market according to what you want to offer. For example, if your thing is to sell sports and luxury cars, locate all the information concerning this target audience. At this point, you already know that your audience will be made up of people with great purchasing power, great entrepreneurs, socialites, and other personalities.

Loyalty to a customer is the most profitable way to maintain a business, a loyal customer is a customer who will buy from us as many times as necessary, not only to satisfy any need or desire to buy, but because they feel comfortable buying in our business.

To achieve this it is important to meet our public and have a warm and humane treatment, remember that everyone wants to return to where they had a good shopping experience.

Source: thriveglobal